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    "batchcomplete": "",
    "query": {
        "searchinfo": {
            "totalhits": 5
        "search": [
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "First steps in FHEM",
                "pageid": 4052,
                "size": 28313,
                "wordcount": 4597,
                "snippet": "\u2026operties are located in module 98_dummy. pm. (The number 98 used to have a <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span>, but today this is no longer the case, though it is still used for historic\n\u2026s&#039;&#039;, &#039;&#039;Attributes&#039;&#039; and &#039;&#039;Readings&#039;&#039;. It would be too early to go into the <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span> of the three terms in detail, but the following remarks are important for\u2026\n",
                "timestamp": "2018-12-31T21:27:38Z"
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Modbus",
                "pageid": 2444,
                "size": 25912,
                "wordcount": 3808,
                "snippet": "The <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span> of &lt;code&gt;set =&gt; 1&lt;/code&gt; is that the holding register 770 can also be writt\n",
                "timestamp": "2022-01-25T07:28:18Z"
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "ModbusAttr",
                "pageid": 2433,
                "size": 33662,
                "wordcount": 5408,
                "snippet": ":defines an optional internal name of this data object (this has no <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span> for fhem and serves mainly documentation purposes.\n",
                "timestamp": "2024-04-22T20:04:45Z"
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "ArduCounter",
                "pageid": 2460,
                "size": 34195,
                "wordcount": 5197,
                "snippet": "The attribute &lt;code&gt;interval&lt;/code&gt; has the following <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span> in the above example: \n",
                "timestamp": "2021-09-29T19:44:24Z"
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "DevelopmentModuleIntro",
                "pageid": 1599,
                "size": 146929,
                "wordcount": 19997,
                "snippet": "        The &quot;greet&quot; parameter has no further <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span>, it just demonstrates\n",
                "timestamp": "2024-01-03T11:26:53Z"