Kindle Display

Aus FHEMWiki

NOTE: This Article is not yet finished! This note will be removed once i think it's okay ;)
As long as I'm working on it, this information will be shown.

This article shows how to configure a Amazon Kindle eBook-Reader as a information display for fhem. Use this manual at your own risk. Jailbreaking a Kindle is quite easy but there is no guarantee for breaking the system.
I will show how to configure it with the from Stefan. The "old" method with the special function in MyUtils is not part of this article.

All of the information shown below is collected from the fhem-forum fhem-Forum. Many thanks to everybody who participated on the development of this information to get it done.Special thanks to "alex" and "stefan" from the board. Further information is from the mobileread board.

Hardware requirements

Kindle Touch / Paperwhite / Paperwhite 2

You can use Kindle Touch / Paperwhite / Paperwhite 2 without any limitations.

Kindle 4

For setting this up on the Kindle 4 (with the 5-way button) you need some more configuration work but it's also working. Addidional tasks for this version are shown down below.


fhem and server configuration

Server configuration

Not sure if still needed, but just for in case it is, install imagemagick on your linux system.

apt-get install imagemagick

That's it :)

fhem configuration

First you need a svg-template. You can find one in the first posting on the fhem-Forum thread. In the template just replace the data with some placeholder you like. Later this placeholder is found via a regular expression and replaced by your data.
For example, you can set XYZ at the place where the first temperature should be shown and ABC for the first humidity value.
If you want to edit the template you can use the free software [ Inkscape]. For more information about generating SVGs for fhem please refer to this article Icons. Most important information is to save the SVG as a "normal SVG" and not as an inkscape SVG.
For the Kindle Paperwhite the resolution of the SVG must be 758 x 1024 for the Kindle 4 version use 600x800. This is mandatory. Wrong scaled images won't be displayed on the Kindle.
Copy the Kindle_Template.svg to /opt/fhem/www/images/.

Download and install the from fhem Forums, save it to /opt/fhem/FHEM and load the module. You can also restart fhem instead.

All we're doing now is to using the FileReplacer module to read the SVG template, replace a search pattern with our data and saving it.

define kindledisplay FileReplacer /opt/fhem/www/images/template1.svg /opt/fhem/www/images/status1.svg 60
attr kindledisplay DoPNG 1
attr kindledisplay UTF8-Encode 1
attr kindledisplay room Display

DoPNG enabled the generation from SVG to PNG. UTF8-Encode is needed to support special characters.
Now just create your mappings:

attr kindledisplay Regex1 XYZ
attr kindledisplay Expr1 sprintf("%.1f", ReadingsVal("Sensor1", "Temp1", 0))
attr kindledisplay Regex2 ABC
attr kindledisplay Expr2 sprintf("%.1f", ReadingsVal("Sensor1", "Hum1", 0))

And so on... :) The FileReplacer will replace the pattern XYZ with the ReadingsVal from Sensor1.
Now check if the PNG is created http://your-fhem-ip:8083/fhem/www/images/KindleDisplay.png. If so, be happy, the first part is done!

Modifying the Kindle

To prevent from error messages like "your Kindle is no longer registered as a test Kindle..." please make sure your Kindle is connected to a valid Amazon Account.
We need to download some software to install it on the Kindle.
Please download it from Mobileread Forums

Always use the newest version and look for one who fits to your Kindle (e.G. K4).

Jailbreaking the Kindle

Don't worry. This sounds more hard and dangerous than it is in fact. It's just a few steps to have full access to your Kindle.

Kindle Touch/Paperwhite

  • Download the file, and unpack it. In there, you'll find some .bin files, and a src directory.Leave the directory alone, and upload the correct Update_*_install.bin file for your kindle & FW version to the root directory of your Kindle.

  • Now, eject & unplug your Kindle, and go to [HOME] -> [MENU] > Settings -> [MENU] > Update Your Kindle. It should be quick.
    (And, on FW 2.x only, it should FAIL (With a U006 error, in the bottom left corner of the screen). It's completely normal, intended, and harmless).

And that's it, your Kindle is now ready to install custom hacks!
(Quoted from

Kindle 4 / Universal method

  • Download and unzip the jailbreak.
  • Plug in the Kindle and copy the data.tar.gz & ENABLE_DIAGS files plus the diagnostic_logs folder to the Kindle's USB drive's root
  • Safely remove the USB cable and restart the Kindle (Menu -> Settings -> Menu -> Restart)
  • Once the device restarts into diagnostics mode, select "D) Exit, Reboot or Disable Diags" (using the 5-way keypad)
  • Select "R) Reboot System" and "Q) To continue" (following on-screen instructions, when it tells you to use 'FW Left' to select an option, it means left on the 5-way keypad)
  • Wait about 20 seconds: you should see the Jailbreak screen for a while, and the device should then restart normally
  • After the Kindle restarts, you should see a new book titled "You are Jailbroken", if you see this, the jailbreak has been successful.

Installing additional software


The Mobileread Kindlet Kit (MKK) is used to execute custom Kindlets (programs) on the Kindle.
Download the software from here: MKK
Unzip the folder and copy the .bin file to the root directory of your kindle. Please note that you need to install the Kindle matching version (e.g. K4 = Kindle 4 with 5-way-button).
On the Kindle goto Menu -> Settings -> Menu -> Update your Kindle.
After the update it is installed.


The Kindle Unified Application Launcher (KUAL) running applications on the Kindle.
Download it from here: KUAL
Unzip the folder and copy the matching .azw2 file to the documents directory of your kindle.

(K2, DX, K3, K4)
Put KUAL-KDK-1.0.azw2 in documents folder.
Run it by clicking new kindlet (book) document in your list.

(Touch, PaperWhite)
Put KUAL-KDK-2.0.azw2 in documents folder.
Run it by clicking icon.


This is used to prevent from getting automated updates which could remove the JailBreak.
Download from here: Backdoorlock
Unzip the folder and copy the .bin file to the root directory of your kindle. Please note that you need to install the Kindle matching version (e.g. K4 = Kindle 4 with 5-way-button). On the Kindle goto Menu -> Settings -> Menu -> Update your Kindle. After the update it is installed.

ScreenSavers Hack

The ScreenSavers Hack let you show custom screen savers on the kindle.
Download the file: ScreenSaver Hack
Install the corresponding .bin file as the others before and use the "update your kindle" function to install it.
After the installation you will find a directory called "linkss" in the Kindle root. Here open the screensavers dir and delete all images.

Online ScreeSaver

This application copies the fhem-PNG from your fhem-server to the ScreenSavers hack. Just download the application from here, extract the file and copy the folder into the extensions directory.
Now you have to edit the file up to your need.
NOTE Use a linux/unix compatible editor (like notepad++) only!
You need to enter the image URL, the update interval and the schedule for the updates. That's all.

Online Screen Saver - Kindle 4 Special Tasks

To get it running on a Kindle 4 you need to change some lines in the OnlineScreenSaver files.
You can find a .diff file for the changes here: fhem forum
No idea what to do with this file? It just shows you in which lines changes were made and what was changed. I recommend to edit all the files shown in the diff-file locally and then copy the whole package to the kindle first.

Kindle 4 additional tasks

As your Kindle 4 needs some more attention to get it done, please find the steps here:

USB Network Hack

This hack is used to get SSH/Telnet Access to your Kindle. We need this on Kindle 4 to chage some settings on the system.
Download and install the kindle-usbnetwork file from here: USBNETWORK
I'm sure you know what to do in the meantime ;-)
After that, activate the USBNetwork via KUAL and connect the Kindle via USB.

Connecting to the Kindle

Before you can connect you need to install the RNDIS driver. Here you can find a very good "HowTo" to do this. Note that the IP-Addresses you need to configure are different then addresses used in the example. Your RNDIS Interface needs to have configured, the Kindle uses on this interface.
Don't wonder you cannot ping the Kindle!
Now you can use a ssh-client like putty to connect to the Kindle. Telnet is also an option but only when WiFI mode is disabled. So better forget about it. Success? Great job!

Changing the "sleep settings"

After you connected to the Kindle you will be asked for a password. Login with root and blank password. Should work.
Now we need to make the filesystem writeable:

mountroot rw
cd /etc/kdb.src/yoshi/system/daemon/powerd/

Edit the t1_timeout with the editor "vi" and change the last line to 200.
Same for the t2_timeout but here we enter 200000 in the last line.
These values are setting the "sleep" counters on the Kindle. Unfortunately this will lower the battery faster then normal so I recommend to have the display in a docking station.

Cron setting (optional)

In my case that all didn't really work for me so i decided to run the onlinescreensaver update script via cron:

cd /etc/crontab/root
--> */5 * * * * /mnt/us/extensions/onlinescreensaver/bin/
/etc/init.d/cron restart

That's it for me. Not working? Ask and look here for help: FHEM Forum